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Oil extraction

Oil extraction
Ranges from deep layers of oil in wide limits up to 5-6 thousand square meters and more oil and be in nature is always a companion for water and gas in accordance with the specific gravity the gas occupies the upper part and then followed by the oil and the water below it.
Wells are dug to extract oil from the ground to the surface and conducted a preliminary exploration and research to determine where to dig wells, which is extracted from petroleum and purpose of these operations is to study the installation of all the rocks area in which the exploration, examination rock layer Petroleum (capacity and porosity and Force and saturation oil) and determine the area oil field and approximate reserves of oil and gas.
And the most important methods of drilling is drilling and rotary drilling turbocharger and spin the drilling tool (ileum) intended (bit) in a rotary drill with each column of drilling pipes.
With depth in the well pipe connects to operating a new drill pipe and up the length of the column at the end of drilling pipes to drill several kilometers and to separate the rocks by the fragmentation of the well drilling tool is pumped through pipes to the bottom of the well drilling mud solution carries rocks to the top of the roof.
In the case of drilling turbocharger spins ileum by turbo especially down to the bottom of the well and are powered by the solution mud pump Further drilling vertical can by drilling turbocharger to achieve drilling oblique directed under buildings and ponds, and others, as well as drilling branching any drilling multiple wells from a single location and this drill is very comfortable when the exploitation of offshore oil fields.
Stages of development drilling and extraction of oil over time

Comes to mind when talking about petroleum engineering and extraction of the lower layers of the earth it is a difficult and complex process! Especially that the presence of a lot of multi-functional facilities in the field, engineers, owners of the highest salary in the salary scale gives us the impression that the extraction process is difficult and you need to nano steps! But it is true that the first oil well in the world drilled manually by one person only?!

Oil was at the beginning of the sixteenth century floats on the surface of the earth proportions slim in place of “Baku” in Azerbaijan. Someone has drilled wells up to 35 meters long only year 1594 in order to find the first oil reservoir in the world. Were approved manual drilling method “Baku” as the first method of drilling. The oil is extracted in this case by the descent of workers (no more than two people in mostly) to the bottom.

The method “Toole Cable” began in 1825 in North America. The idea includes having the engine lift lever is connected with a sharp a break-rock while the sustainability of the land, and this process is repeated until the maximum outreach to the rear, which is mostly the 300 meters. During the operation, the workers to go down to the bottom and raise rocks Fragmenting, which consumes a lot of time.

By the year 1860, which is considered a qualitative leap in the history of the oil industry, has been in Switzerland discovered a way which is still used today a rotary drilling, consisting of three Onmth: energy system, circulation, and lift. Be installed head of diamond, due to the hardness, the spindle does this column drilling efficiently during rotation underground to depths of up to 10 kilometers! The head is lubrication through the mud, and replaced at intervals whenever the need arise. As the application of this method is another horizontal drilling, which as at drilling under residential areas without causing any damage to them.

Way of the “Baku” and way “Alkeppltol” has been completely abandoned them, as the rotary drilling is in control until the present day. It is also worth mentioning that in spite of the total price for the extraction of oil is very high as well, one may cost more than $ 100 million, but the profit is far higher than the total value of transactions.


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