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Oil production methods

Oil production methods
Oil produced in three basic ways a way the fountain, the way pressure or gas lift, and how deep pumping.
Oil rises in case Nafory production (flowing) to the wellhead under pressure through a combination of class
High pressure tubular Mara fisheries separates the gas from the oil then enters oil capacity later in court.
The method uses a fountain at the beginning of the production of the well when the pressure is enough class or using special methods to maintain this pressure under the influence of water or gas pressure.
In the case of production air down columns of pipes in the well and pay in their ring vacuum compressed air or gas and have this air while passing through the liquid column of a mixture of oil and gas with low density and bringing this mixture to the surface of the well under the pressure of the surface layer.
In the case of production pumps down to the well by Pipes special pump drive oil to the surface of the well and run the pump using a column of bus bars by machine weights that ride above the surface of the well (the unit lifting oil) and machine kicks a responsibility Weighting relation to one of the ends of the column bus bars and the other party Pitman mechanism managed by an electric motor.
In the recent period, using electric submersible pumps down in the well by up through the pipes to the surface and oil pump works by Multi drive directly into the well and fed with electricity by a special cable.
And separating the oil extracted from the well for natural gas associated with the fisheries private and collects in the tanks where separated from the cluster of basic water and Alqazhurat then in tanks fields, which is subject to the petroleum and depositing clean additional if the oil in the case of Asthlabah ie if it contains water inseparable it passes During removal unit emulsifying.
Oil is transported in different ways, a pump in the pipes and transport in railway tanks and sea routes and river transport and Ousahm widespread piped


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