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Oil pollution and all safety specializes in oil operations

Oil pollution and all safety specializes in oil operations

Fires and explosions at oil installations
The risk of fires and explosions in all phases of the oil industry one of the most important threats seriously considering procedures controlled administratively and engineered by the establishment of any oil project and engineering, because the oil and its derivatives (or gas) of material that accompanied used always with the risk of ignition and explosion.
So deliberately specialized companies in the oil industry to provide all means of fire prevention and securing all the necessary equipment to protect workers in their places of work and residence of the risk of fire. Especially near oil collection tanks and gas reservoirs in the oil fields or those adjacent to transmission lines and export ports.
Fire accidents are not limited to cause physical damage and can be associated human and environmental damage catastrophic, as it gets when crashing oil tankers in the seas and oceans or explode oil or gas wells during the production or dug them. Perhaps the closest incident historically what happened in Kuwait during the Iraqi aggression (was destroyed and burned more than 670 oil wells, and left the fire burning carried out toxins in the air, and deposited them huge amounts of crude oil formed after the fire is dubbed as the “oil lakes “exceeded the 300 Lake., and covered an area of ​​more than (49 square kilometers), and the mass of more than 40 million tons).
1-1 – fires fuel tanks:
These reservoirs are located at the oil companies, power plants, fuel depots, these tanks are used for storage of petroleum products, and usually built above the Earth’s surface is cylindrical horizontal or vertical cylindrical
1.1.1 – Types of oil reservoirs and barriers
A – tanks, surface hard: and have a conical shape, is being built and canning in the form of pieces, to be in the last tank capacity and size specific, and provides each tank ladder, metal and painted surface aluminized the spectrum to form a reflective layer of the sun’s rays that affect the evaporation of stored materials, and there is every tank of this type safety valve to drain excess pressure to the outside or offset the pressure inside the tank to drop, and stores usually in this type of reservoirs of petroleum products with degrees and flashing high due to lack of  Evaporation order to avoid explosions, such as heavy oil, diesel and asphalt can be stored oils light in such Reservoirs, but after taking reserves sufficient to prevent the entry of air and mixing with steam rising causing fluid in the formation of a mixture of flammable or explosive.
B – Tanks surface floating: designed surfaces of these types of reservoirs, where the comics, according to the amount of inventory and hardly of high and low during the discharge process, for that is equipped aspects of the surface floating Bjoinat rubber to avoid friction metal – metal when the movement of the surface coaxial, also prevents This type of design is the risk of mixing liquid stock with fumes outside air where it
Do not allow this fluid evaporation only in small quantities so as to avoid the dangers of mixing with air outside, and thus can avoid accidents, explosion or ignition, and there are on each tank of this type iron stairs up to the roof of the tank, and stored in this type of reservoirs of petroleum products with degrees and shimmer different.
C – barriers reservoirs: designed these barriers to save any substance leaking from the inside of the tank or overflowing on the back of the tank, whether such material burning or burning, and prevent it from spreading to the tanks again, as they are saving materials fire inside the barrier during the proceedings of control, inhibit leak and the spread of spot fire, so as not to extend the fire into the tanks the other, and designed these barriers so that accommodate the contents of the tank inside the barrier, but the capacity of some less than absorb the amount of inventory, so it is in the case of overflow tank should pull the largest possible amount of material accumulated inside the barrier. The barriers are divided into two types, some of which contains a num


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